Beatrix Potter Country features one continuous tour split into stages for the more adventurous, as well as short walks in each area associated with Beatrix Potter and her work, which will be suitable for families.
Beatrix Potter Country
The tour is split into separate sections for convenience, to enable those who wish to do each leg of the tour during separate visits to the Lakes. At the end of the book there is a quick route finder, which simply describes the route of the tour without additional information. At the end of each section a short family walk is included. The route of the tour is low level, as this was how Beatrix Potter saw the area - she was no fell walker. William Wordsworth also mostly saw the Lakes from low level routes.
This is both a functional and an interesting read. Some of the information is unique to this book and comes from local people who have had stories passed down through their families.
Author:Sean Frain is a multi-published author with 15 books in print. He writes regularly for The Countryman's Weekly and has done so for over ten years.